Saturday, December 22, 2012

To You

Dear You,

I have been thinking a lot about you. And believe me when I tell you, I know your sadness.

Yes, I know our circumstances are not the same, you may say yours are harder to absorb, more complicated. But then, the triggers are all different for all of us. It may be a loss of a loved one, a separation, or even disappointment over work.

But believe me when I tell you that I can feel for you. I know how it is to wake up in the morning, feeling so unimportant that the whole world can function without you, that everything you touch turns into disaster. Failure after failure, for what? I feel for you. I can feel your trembling heart when you want to fight that rock in your throat, fighting back the tears. And when you force a smile to show how everything about you is doing well, when all you want to do is sulk in one corner and imagine how small and powerless you have become.

I feel for you when people try to say nice things to you, but you believe they know nothing of how you really are. That you are miles away from them, down below. I feel for you when you can't find the strength to breathe, and get through just an hour or two. Or when you wake up still with that heavy heart that you carried from nights before. I feel for you as you stare at the blank ceiling, thinking, worrying, crying.

Yes, we have become so minute in this grand scheme of things. Yes, we have no power to change things, and we do not know why these tragedies do not seem to get tired of us, one after the other. Until we are absolutely empty.


But then, even the fish and the birds, ladybugs and worms, small as they are and relatively of no value, they are taken care of. God is there to make sure that they are safe, even if nobody else will do that for them.

It is when we are the at our most vulnerable, at our weakest, when life simply cannot give us answers to all our countless questions that God is performing His miracles. When we are most alone, and empty, God picks us up and lifts us, putting us in a better position. And in a few moments, His greater, much better plan will unfold.

Yes, you. You in your most withered, tired and depressed state. You who have no strength to fight life's battles. And you how cannot see how beautiful this world is especially since you are in it. You are not alone. I believe God works through people as well. And so I just want to say that God loves you. And I love you as well.

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