Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sunset, Sunrise

It's 8:45 in the morning and I am wondering why my baby girl and my husband are still asleep. I thought I was the hog, well, it looks like my daughter inherited this "gene" from me. Anyway, I woke up at 8 in the morning, and I realized the fact that I am a pretty nocturnal person after all.

Well, not really, oh.... well, if you were to ask me, my favorite part of the day is when the sun sets. Yup, that's it. Why? I don't know. Maybe because sunsets mean a lot of things, first, my passion for the beach. So beautiful to see faces touched with shades of red, orange, and yellow, and everybody smiling and having a great time. The sunset is a sign of a day well spent (working), and the promise of an evening of unwinding. I think that's where the "happy hour" was based, right? After a hard day's work, here comes time to enjoy and relax. I find it really sad that many companies demand so much from their employees, that their employees hardly see any daylight because of their heavy load and dreadful deadlines.

Since I prefer evenings over mornings, (I swear, sometimes you see me in the morning with my mouth open, staring blankly), I choose to sleep at around 10-11 pm, surfing the net, watching E news live, only after I have successfully put my daughter to sleep. There are nights when I choose to stay up late, ignoring the feeling of drowsiness, for what? I don't know. Wala lang. Tamad matulog. Kind of dumb, right? Because in the middle of the night, I have to wake up and go to the bathroom, or change my daughter's diaper, or prepare her milk. And then I regret my laziness to succumb in slumber.

Nowadays, though, since I have incorporated days for races, I am forced to wake up at 4 am on Sundays. My eyes are still half closed, I change into my singlet and my running shorts. I really hate it that the world is still dark and quiet. I feel like some thief trying to escape from the stillness of early morning.

But because of these races I get to see the mysterious side of the sunrise. I tell you, it's equally beautiful as the sunset!! The skies from their black tones, become grey, then dark blue, and dawn starts breaking in, and streaks of white and yellow appear, and before you know it, the ever changing sky becomes periwinkle, and the world evolves into one that we are used to. It's a weird feeling because I hate waking up so early due to lack of sleep, numbness, and all that crap. But when I see this, I also get the feeling of achievement that this occurrence is an everyday mundane thing, but I am only one of the few who gets to see it unfold. It's like I am led into an open secret, and I get to enjoy its hidden beauty.

Though the beauty of the sunrise is tempting, i you were to ask me if I will change my lifestyle to witness it some more, I don't think I'd do it. It's in my system already to sleep late and wake up late. I know that to appreciate something this magnificent, I would have to do it rarely, so I won't take it for granted. It's like the secret to a lasting friendship, you see your friend in small doses. That way you don't breed any contempt due to familiarity.

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