This morning, my husband, little girl and I attended my daughter's school orientation. My daughter is 2.2 years old, and since she gets bored at home, we decided to enrol her in the school my sister Jus teaches.
Anyway, we brought her along so she could get used to the place. Turns out after 2 hours, she did not want to leave. She loved it so much. I'm just hoping she won't get separation anxiety, or hurt her classmates, or hurt by classmates as well.
So excited for her, and for myself. I am so used to orientations, I used to give them in Poveda, but this time, I am the parent.
As the world turns....
She has a set of uniform already, and a long list of personal items to be brought to school. Hay. It was not so long ago when I was just learning how to breastfeed her, and learning she was a colic baby. Now, for two hours, she leaves me to enter her own world where I play no role in it.
Do all parents feel this way?
Or just the dramatic actress in me?
She is slowly weaning herself from her dede (milk), and now I realize it's me who cannot adjust. Or who is doing it anxiously..
Until when does a parent call her baby "her baby?"
Anyway, this has no coherence whatsoever...
Just random, but valid thoughts...

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