Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Of Blogs, Runs, and Races had a very good point. They conducted a survey recently on how many races do runners join on the average. I am a logged-in member of, but I failed to answer the survey. If I had, I would be in the category of 3-4 races per month.

Which makes me realize, oo nga no, after reading blogs and's reasons for the low number of races joined, they have a point, which now I think is detrimental to my growth as a runner.

Let's remove the cause factor of the races.

I had been joining 10 k races lately, to gain endurance. It all started with Ivy, a former parent in Poveda, fellow Povedan, and a fast runner. She encouraged me to run for endurance. But my training for that is really bad, it turns out, 10k is the longest I have run ever, meaning my race becomes my training ground (inevitably). The 10 k is my LSD, since I have no time to do a longer run in the middle of the week. Which explains my panting, slow movement, lack of training, and knee and calf pains. In other words, these races have become limiting in my growth. Yes, I have gotten faster in terms of Personal Record as more races are joined, but have I become a better runner?

Nope, don't think so. After almost giving up last Sunday.

Sir Jinoe has a point. It's not just the cost (which I agree with, as an unemployed wife and mother who needs to finish her thesis), but there is a very limiting factor in joining races. So what if I had finished the 10k? What happens next? Is it just shorter time, or is it also about building endurance, maybe speed, and improving one's ability to run?

Lately I have been reading the runners' blogs, and it's true, maybe some of them are quite technical, but, I realize that I learn a lot from them. Not just tips on how to be a better runner, but also the passion that they have for the endeavor. Their human side, the struggles. Yes, I am quite far from their progress, I don't even know some of their acronyms. Their mileage makes me dizzy thinking about how I will ever relate to those numbers, but reading their posts, their stories, made me realize that I should not limit myself to only this, a beginner, a jogger, a slow 10k runner, but they give me encouragement as to how to be open to other opportunities to love the sport more, to be better at it. Even to love myself more, not just accepting my limitations and weaknesses, but by embracing and opening those doors to make myself a better me.


  1. hi, lorie :) nice insights :) i only join 2 a location is a big factor, as i live here in tagaytay...finances is another...though, i don't really find it to be too much of a problem, considering that i know my money goes to a worthy cause (and i do strongly consider the charities for which the races are done for)...the fact that you get a singlet or a finisher's shirt (and the race bib, which shows proof of your participation :P) helps make it seem more worthwhile :P another thing for me is my knee...which right now is really my limiting factor for my training :( oh well...let's just enjoy the runner's high while and whenever we can...for as the saying goes "there will come a day that you won't be able to do all these is NOT that day!!" cheers!! :D

    eire :)

  2. hi Eire!! I really hope you knee gets better. Can changing shoes help kaya? But don't let it get you down, whatever happens!! :) Hope to see you soon!
